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Having an Aquarium In your business:
Provides serene and soothing entertainment for your customers
Creates a point of interest that will make customers eager to return
Calms the nerves of patients while waiting for procedures
Promotes a calm and creative environment
Helps increase productivity
In your home:
Provides a soothing environment to reduce your everyday stress
Is a conversation starter and enhancer
Is an educational tool to use with your kids
Helps to teach your kids responsibility
If you live alone it can help combat loneliness
Numerous studies over several decades have shown that gazing at aquariums:
Reduces stress
Lowers blood pressure – even more significant reductions in seniors
Decreases pulse rate
Reduces muscle tension
Is as effective as hypnosis at reducing anxiety in dental patients
Reduces pain medication needs in dental patients
Increases food consumption in Alzheimer patients by 21% which reduced need for food supplements providing overall better nutrition
Reduces physically aggressive behavior in Alzheimer patients
Captivates children, calming their energy and providing education and entertainment
soothes children that suffer from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
increases productivity and creative thinking among corporate executives